On the first Thursdays of the Month (September 5, October 3, and November 7) the Open Table will be hosting our pastor, Dr. Greg Neal, as he presents:
Un-Clobber: A Gay Pastor’s Guide Through The Clobber Passages
The “Clobber Passages” are those six verses in the Bible that are most often presumed to attack LGBTQ+ people. Dr. Neal, who in addition to being a pastor is also a scholar of the Bible, will be exploring those passages and demonstrating how they have either been misunderstood, mistranslated, or misapplied. If you’ve always wanted to know what the Bible really says — and, more importantly, does not say — about LGBTQ+ people, come to these special sessions of The Open Table.
Again, these sessions will be on the first Thursdays of September, October, and November at 6 pm! All are welcome!
Session 1 – September 5th
Genesis 19:1-11 (The Sodom and Gomorrah Story)
Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13
Session 2 – October 3rd
1 Corinthians 6:5-11
1 Timothy 1:8-11
Session 3 – November 7th
Romans 1:21-27
General Conversation